

當心海鮮與威士忌的風暴打擊 風味的啟發在艾雷島上紛至沓來。你凝望向Indaal海灣,便能嚐到風中的海水鹹。吹來的微微海風輕拂我們雙耳,一對飽滿的含殼生蠔隨著下著Lagavulin 16 Years Old年毛毛雨降臨在我的嘴裡。一聲海水樣的迴嚮在我的嘴裡撞擊著,似乎想分隔出誰是生蠔誰是那油酯豐美的威士忌。碘、海水鹹,最後是綿長的煙燻收尾。...

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威士忌的神奇風味 一切始於大麥 麥芽威士忌可由各式各樣的大麥釀造而成,栽種者持續培育各種新的品種,試圖超越現有的種類。農民可獲得更高的產量,釀酒廠也能以同樣數量的大麥生產更多威士忌。 不斷進化的麥芽品種 Bairds Malt公司的商務總監Eddie Douglas身兼英國Maltsters Association of Great...

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塑造威士忌的DNA  Shaping The Spirit

塑造威士忌的DNA Shaping The Spirit

由於壺式蒸餾器能被製成不同大小與形狀,我們探討每間酒廠蒸餾器的形狀與排序 蒸餾器的形狀及大小決定了威士忌新酒(New Make)的風格,因此我們能合理推論,每間酒廠蒸餾器的形狀跟大小維持一致,才能不斷生產出調性一致的新酒。有些酒廠的確擁有形狀十分相似的蒸餾系統,但有些酒廠卻使用差異極大的蒸餾器。到底蒸餾的形式如何影響新酒呢? 如何選擇蒸餾器?...

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Diverse Rhythms

Diverse Rhythms

When scrutinising whisky and jazz some interesting comparisons may be made. Both the suppression of a ity that looked down upon the craft as well as the craftsmen. The illicit stills in the Highlands paradoxically flourished due to the English suppression and...

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位於台灣的Kavalan蒸餾廠桶匠為了製作旗下經典獨奏Vinho葡萄酒桶單一麥芽威士忌,特別以STR的手法處理橡木桶;刨桶-烘烤-重新燒烤(Shave-Toast-Rechar)。在酒廠內我們可看到並列等著接受加工的橡木桶;這個現代化的設備相當具效率。 自動化流程...

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Designed for enjoyment

Designed for enjoyment

"Not just there to hold your whisky, glasses are now scientifically created" For years the way to enjoy a good hearty dram was in a tumbler, with or without ice, sitting on a big red leather armchair or indeed your favourite sitting chair in an office or front room....

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Casual Entertaining

Casual Entertaining

A simple route to exploring a modern way of casual entertaining with whisky and food It’s your turn to invite the mates over for drinks. You may not be much of a cook and even if you were, you’re too busy to prepare a fancy spread. You want to keep it simple. Easy...

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Towers and Ponds

Towers and Ponds

Cooling towers and cooling ponds play a vital role during the production process, but are rarely mentioned. We look at what they do Water is a vital consideration for every distillery, not only in terms of the quantities needed but also the temperature. A constant...

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狂賀!金車噶瑪蘭酒廠 全球烈酒界的世界冠軍

狂賀!金車噶瑪蘭酒廠 全球烈酒界的世界冠軍

2017 IWSC贏過八十多國 勇奪頂尖殊榮Distiller of the Year! 2017年11月15日金車噶瑪蘭酒廠於英國倫敦再次刷新世界冠軍的鍍金傳奇!被譽為「酒界奧林匹克大賽」的IWSC國際葡萄酒暨烈酒競賽(International Wine and Spirit Competition, IWSC)於頒獎晚宴揭曉參賽結果,來自台灣的噶瑪蘭酒廠,贏過來自全世界八十多個國家的所有烈酒酒廠,抱回最高殊榮「世界年度蒸餾酒廠冠軍獎盃(Distiller of the...

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